
Warfare Communities

On program completion, newly commissioned officers will be selected to enter one of the following warfare communities.

Naval Aviation

Standing for excellence and air superiority

Picture a machine that reaches speeds far beyond 1,000 mph. One that's armed and ready for first-strike missions on a moment's notice. And one that depends 100% on you. That scenario is no exaggeration for those in Naval Aviation. Here you can pilot cutting-edge aircraft. Oversee the intricate communications, navigation and weapons systems they carry. Help ensure mission success - and the safety of the people involved. Regardless of your role in Naval Aviation, the mission rests on your shoulders.

Aviation gold wings insignia for pin

Submarine Warfare

Moving ships, submarines and science forward

They operate and maintain the most formidable Fleet of nuclear-powered submarines on the planet. They pursue the highest degree of intellectual challenges in the nuclear field. They apply nuclear energy and fundamentals of engineering in ways that not only help to defend our national security but also serve to better our world.

The men and women of the Navy Nuclear Propulsion program are among the best and brightest in America's Navy. Whether helping design the next generation of small-scale reactor, keeping a power plant safely operational, or training young Sailors with the intense, highly classified curriculum that comes with the job, these personnel assume the kind of responsibilities and leadership roles that even their most talented peers wait years to take on.

Submarine gold insignia with mythical dolphins

Special Warfare/Operations

Taking on the most extreme challenges

Some missions require highly specialized talent - along with the training and the nerve to accomplish the most dangerous and daunting of tasks. Eliminating threats. Defusing bombs. Rescuing those in distress and salvaging vital equipment from treacherous depths. Members of the Naval Special Warfare/Naval Special Operations (NSW/NSO) communities take on the most impossible missions - and target the most elusive objectives.

This is the territory of Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, Land) and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technicians - men and women who have the intelligence, physical fitness, and drive to rise to the top. It's work that demands a state of mind marked by extreme courage and capability under fire.

Surface Warfare

Leading the fleet

Surface Warfare Officers form the backbone of Fleet leadership. In this role, you will have the opportunity to excel as a leader. You could serve as Commanding Officer over an elite crew and be an authority in every aspect of your Navy assignments. Doing any or all of the following:

  • Directing personnel operations aboard Navy vessels, such as aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, amphibious warfare ships, mine warfare ships and littoral combat ships
  • Managing shipboard vertical launch systems
  • Using computer displays and advanced technology in battle and ship defense
  • Providing support to Navy expeditionary forces, Theater Air Missile operations, anti-submarine warfare, surface-to-air warfare, and support and supply missions
Surface Warfare Insignia

U.S. Marine Corps

Our ranks are few. Our standards are high.

As a college student and Marine-Option Midshipman in the NROTC Program, your journey to a successful future will also lead to a life of purpose and advancement Marine Corps Officers are known for. For the right few, the Marine Corps offers the opportunity to pursue this noble path while earning a degree on a college campus. In fact, as a Marine-Option Midshipman, the NROTC Program will only enhance college life. But this is not merely an education; it is a screening process to find the few who have what it takes to lead Marines.